CircuitSolver Competition: How Other Balancing Valves Measure Up

CircuitSolver Competition: How Other Balancing Valves Measure Up

Design engineers have a few options to choose from when selecting a balancing valve to include in a domestic hot water system.

The differences between the valves are not always readily available, and the amount of information on the internet can be overwhelming to distill down on calls with engineers or contractors.

Check out our easy-to-understand charts below to see how the CircuitSolver® compares to other thermostatic balancing valves now on the market:

ThermOmegaTech CircuitSolver® Caleffi ThermoSetter® Acorn TZV
Bell & Gossett Temp Setter™
Manufacture Location [1] USA Italy ??? ???
NSF 61 Certified [2] Yes Yes No Yes
Material of Valve Stainless Steel Brass Brass Stainless Steel Internals
Years of Install Nine One One One
Optional Temperature Gauge Yes Yes Yes No
Field Adjustable No Yes Yes Yes
Factory Set Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tamper Proof [3] Yes No No No
Integrated Union Option [4] Yes No No No
Integrated Check Valve Option Yes Yes Yes No
Optional Ball Valves Yes – 2 No Yes – 3 No
Optional ProPress Ends Yes No No No
Optional Strainer Yes No No No
Maximum Working Pressure 200 PSI 230 PSI 150 PSI 145 PSI
Maximum Allowable Temperature 250°F 195°F 180°F 150°F
Available Sizes [5] 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″, 1 1/4″, 1 1/2″, 2″ 1/2″ & 3/4″ 1/2″ 1/2″ & 3/4″

[1] CircuitSolver® meets the requirements of the “Buy America” and “Buy American” Acts.
[2] All but one state in the USA, Hawaii, requires or recommends NSF 61 certification for all components of the domestic hot water system.( ) See pg. 5.

[3] The ability to maintain system design without unexpected adjustments being made to balancing valves.

[4] An integrated union allows for easy servicing.
[5] Frequently 1” balancing valves are used in higher flow applications and in return line back to the hot water heater.


Thermal Disinfection Options

High-temperature sanitary flushes are performed in domestic hot water recirculation systems to kill Legionella bacteria and prevent growth.

The CircuitSolver® Sanitary Flush Valve features a dual-actuator to automatically balance the DHWS, even during the disinfection process. A “low-temp” actuator balances the system during normal operation, and a second “high-temp” actuator allows for maximum flow during the high-temperature flush.

ThermOmegaTech CircuitSolver® Union Sanitary Flush Caleffi ThermoSetter® Acorn TZV
Bell & Gossett Temp Setter™
Temperature Well Yes Yes Yes No
Field Adjustable No Yes Yes Yes
Thermal Disinfection
Add-On Option [1]
No Yes No No
Manually Adjust for High Temperature Flush No No Yes Yes
Factory Set Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated Union Yes No No No
Integrated Check Valve Standard Yes No Yes No
Maximum Working Pressure 200 PSI 230 PSI 125 PSI 145 PSI
Maximum Temperature 250°F 195°F 180°F 150°F
Available Sizes [2] ½”, ¾”, & 1” ½” & ¾” ½” ½” & ¾”

[1] Thermal disinfection option can be added to standard valve without purchase of separate thermal disinfection valve.
[2] Depending on flow rates for thermal disinfection, a larger valve may be preferred.

Visit our website for additional productsliteratureFAQs, and a list of installs.

Should you have any questions about the above CircuitSolver competition comparison charts, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated team of product experts.