What is a Tempering Valve Used For, and Why Do I Need One?

A tempering valve is used for tempering the hot condensate or hot water discharge from commercial or industrial equipment going to a drain to comply with local, national, and international plumbing codes. According to the IPC (International Plumbing Code) and most state codes, the maximum allowable temperature entering a sewer system is 140°F (60°C) to avoid damage to existing piping.

What Is a Tempering Valve Used For - Commercial Dishwasher

Commercial dishwashers, humidifiers, sterilizers, boiler blowdown lines, and autoclaves produce 180°F+ (82.2°C+) wastewater.

This high-temperature discharge damages PVC piping, which can cause failed inspections, costly fines, interruptions to day-to-day business operations, and damage to personnel.

Tempering valves mix cold water into the equipment discharge to reduce the temperature to acceptable levels before it reaches any PVC piping or public sewers.

How Does a Tempering Valve Work?

Thermostatic drain tempering valves monitor water temperatures and control the cold water supply that mixes with the hot discharge, eliminating the risk of water or waste exceeding 140°F (60°C) going down the drain. If the hot effluent is above the specified set point of the valve (offered in 5-degree increments from 120°F to 140°F), the actuator senses the rising temperature. It signals the valve to open to allow cold water to temper the discharge fluid.

The drain tempering valve (DTV) is a mechanical valve that eliminates the need for electrical solenoid valves or thermostats. It is open only when the effluent exceeds the specified set-point temperature, usually 10°F below the full open temperature, so it conserves water by automatically turning off cold water when not needed.

Where is the Tempering Valve Located? 

The tempering valve’s inlet is connected to the cold water supply and installed into the drain line of commercial or industrial equipment. Hence, the flow passes over the thermal actuator to sense the temperature of the water going to drain and prevent over-temperature conditions.

What Are Common DTV Applications?

Industries such as restaurants, hospitality, healthcare, and manufacturing have equipment that requires tempered water before draining. A steam condensate drain cooler, or Drain Tempering Valve (DTV), is typically used in commercial dishwashers, boiler blowdown drain lines, humidifiers, autoclaves, sterilizers, automatic cleaning equipment, or any application discharging scalding water.

Thermostatic drain tempering valves

Drain Tempering Valve Solutions

ThermOmegaTech’s thermostatic DTV is an effective solution for commercial/industrial facilities because it prevents damage to PVC piping, complies with plumbing codes, and meets drain temperature limitations.

It is self-operating, minimizes water waste, is easy to install, and is clog-resistant.

Compared to other solutions, the DTV is compact, adaptable to almost any drain size, and operates automatically to keep drain water within appropriate plumbing code limits.

Protect Your Drains and Water Lines with ThermOmegaTech

If you are starting a project where there is a possibility of high-temperature discharge into the drain/sewer, it needs to be tempered with cold water so as not to damage the drains or piping. A thermostatic drain tempering valve is the most efficient solution to control the water temperature and prevent damage, fines, and scalding.

Getting started has never been easier! Contact ThermOmegaTech to learn how our DTV will protect your client’s systems, piping, and drains.