2024 CircuitSolver Year in Review

Thanks to our customers, 2024 was a fantastic year. Let’s celebrate our successes and read our 2024 CircuitSolver Year in Review!


2024 CircuitSolver Year in Review

  • We announced the expansion of our manufacturing facility. This expansion added 23,000 square feet and incorporated new manufacturing, R&D, and office space for the company’s growing divisions.
  • Josue Vazquez joined CircuitSolver as our Eastern Region Commercial Plumbing Sales Manager.
  • Steve Morehead joined CircuitSolver as our Western Region Commercial Plumbing Sales Manager.


  • The CircuitSolver team was featured in an AHR 2024 Expo video discussing the benefits of CircuitSolver thermostatic technology with Plumbing Engineer Magazine.
  • CircuitSolver was highlighted in several videos at the ASPE 2024 Expo.2024 CircuitSolver Year in Review
  • The world of thermostatic balancing valves was explored in a webinar presented by Tom Ruggierio, Director of Sales for Commercial Plumbing
  • We published Case Studies highlighting the reliability of our automatic thermostatic balancing valves with UH St. John’s Medical Center Maternity Wing, Twin Lakes Assisted Living Facility, and Canyon’s Edge Apartments. Read all of our CircuitSolver case studies.
  • The Marketing team discussed the use of social media in the plumbing industry and how it can help you in PHCP Pros.
  • We shared another application for CircuitSolver Cold Water Valves: Balancing liquid cooling in data centers.
  • We published an article: “What is a Tempering Valve Used For, and Why Do I Need One?”


  • 2024 CircuitSolver Year in ReviewThe CircuitSolver team kicked off 2024 with the AHR Expo in Chicago in January, then attended the CMPX 2024 Expo in March at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
  • In October, we attended the ASPE Expo in Columbus, Ohio, and debuted our new Demo Unit, which shows how our thermostatic valves work in real time.
  • And don’t miss us at the AHR Expo in Orlando in February 2025 at Booth #3375.


Thank you for participating in our journey and reading our 2024 CircuitSolver Year in Review.

We wish you a happy and safe holiday season and a happy New Year. We look forward to working with you in 2025!

In the News: Legionella & the Cold Water Problem in Plumbing Engineer

Prepare Your Cold-Water Circulation System and Battle Against Legionella

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought attention to vulnerabilities in plumbing systems, including cold-water systems. Stagnation and warming of unbalanced cold-water systems during building closures have raised concerns about Legionella growth.

When cold water flow is minimal or stopped altogether, as seen during the recent lockdowns that left buildings unoccupied for long periods, disinfectant levels evaporate, and temperatures gradually rise to Legionella’s growth range (77–113°F, 25–42°C), leading to bacteria colonization and uneven free chlorine distribution throughout the system.

Legionella causes a pneumonia-type illness called Legionnaires’ disease and a mild flu-like illness called Pontiac fever. Legionella bacteria can grow and thrive in plumbing systems. When water containing Legionella is used for showers or water fountains, people can inhale or ingest and aspirate tiny droplets of contaminated water, which can lead to infection if the bacteria are present in a dangerous amount.

While much attention has been given to mitigating Legionella in hot water systems, there is a need for proactive measures in cold water systems. “There has been a heightened awareness in the industry focusing on Legionella Mitigation, particularly in domestic water systems,” explains Tom Ruggierio, Director of Sales, Commercial Plumbing, ThermOmegaTech.

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has taken a proactive approach in addressing Legionella mitigation in cold water plumbing systems at their Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities by planning for “periods of low flow or non-use.”

The VHA 1061(1) directive states, “The use of piping system insulation, automatic drain devices, and recirculation to limit the rate and duration of an increase in cold water temperature in combination with appropriate biocide levels can effectively prevent Legionella growth.”

The Solution: Cold-Water Recirculation

Recirculating cold water eliminates stagnation, which promotes harmful bacteria growth, and provides consistent distribution of residual chlorine throughout the domestic cold-water system.

  • Keeps water moving
  • Maintains water quality to reduce stagnation
  • Ensures residual chlorine is distributed throughout the cold water system
  • Keeps water temperature in branches and risers evenly distributed, minimizing heat gain
  • VHA Directive

Balancing Cold Water Systems


“The CircuitSolver® was designed to balance domestic cold-water systems (DCWS) and reduce the risk of bacterial growth,” Ruggierio explains. “Our engineers developed a valve that can dynamically react to the ever-changing conditions that systems may experience. This includes changes in building occupancy, expansion, reduced utilization, and other variables affecting system balance.”

The CSU-CW valve utilizes the same reliable and precise thermal actuator technology as the original CircuitSolver®. It addresses critical issues related to Legionella mitigation in cold water recirculation systems by maintaining a stable temperature. It accomplishes this by continuously monitoring the water temperature and modulating flow to maintain a set temperature at the end of each branch or riser.

The valve operates over a 10°F temperature range. For example, a valve specified for a desired return temperature of 60°F will open at 70°F (10°F above the desired return temperature). At 60°F, the valve is in its closed position. A bypass in the design always allows water to flow back to the pump so that the pump is never dead-headed.

The Use of Thermostatic Technology

ThermOmegaTech® is a world leader in designing and manufacturing self-actuating thermostatic valve technology. They recently turned their attention to battling the Legionella risk in cold water systems.

“The Cold-Water Balancing Valve (CSU-CW) from CircuitSolver® is the market’s first cold water thermostatic balancing valve,” Ruggierio says. “Manual balancing valves could be used, but they are not dynamic and won’t respond to the changing conditions experienced in both hot and cold domestic water systems.”

“CircuitSolver® technology was already an innovative balancing method for domestic hot water recirculation systems, and now there is a solution for cold water systems, too. It’s another step in the right direction to improve plumbing system designs,” Ruggierio says.

“To date, we have provided thermostatic cold water balancing for three VA facilities, with interest from a few others. The more we investigated it, the more we recognized the importance of recirculating cold water. This technology helps to mitigate not only Legionella but also other bacteria and water-borne pathogens from growing. Implementing a cold-water recirculation system is not a nominal task, but what price can one put on a person’s health and safety?” Ruggierio explains. “We are in the early stages of this process. I see interest in this growing over the next several years, expanding from the VA into other healthcare facilities and the hospitality industry.

To achieve stability, system balancing must continually address the ongoing changes occurring within a building. Thermostatic balancing valves adjust dynamically, providing the best opportunity for sustainability and Legionella mitigation.

Read the full feature in Plumbing Engineer here

The feature originally ran in December 2023.

In the News: CircuitSolver Makes Magazine’s Top Products List of 2022

We Made the List

PM Engineer top products

We are excited to announce we made the list in Plumbing and Mechanical Engineer Magazine, rating a spot in the Top 20 Products of 2022 with our CircuitSolver Cold Water Balancing Valve (CSU-CW).

Every year the editors of PM Engineer receive thousands of industry product releases, and they have to search through these releases to find which ones have earn the top products spot.

CircuitSolver was chosen by PM Engineer’s Top Products of 2022 based on the number of page views on their website at www.pmengineer.com.

A Top Product

Plumbing and Mechanical Engineer Magazine said:CircuitSolver Cold Water Balancing Valve

CircuitSolver, a ThermOmegaTech brand, announced its CircuitSolver Cold Water Balancing Valve (CSU-CW).

The CSU-CW is a dynamic valve designed to automatically balance cold water recirculation systems utilizing the same reliable and precise thermal actuator technology as the original CircuitSolver for balancing recirculating hot water systems, the company says.

The valve will effectively mitigate the risk of Legionella bacteria growth in a domestic cold-water system (DCWS) by continuously monitoring water temperatures and modulating flow to maintain a set temperature at the end of each branch or riser, the company adds.

If your product needs to balance a domestic cold-water system, the CircuitSolver Cold Water Balancing Valve (CSU-CW) can help!

Read the full article at PM Engineer here.

Benefits of Recirculating Cold Water in VA Facilities to Discourage Legionella Growth

Legionella in Non-Recirculated Cold Water Systems

Stagnant, warm water in a plumbing system increases the risk of Legionella bacteria growth. In cold water systems, adequate flow through high fixture usage and low water temperatures discourage the growth of Legionella and other biofilms. However, in the event flow throughout the system or part of the system is insufficient, standing water can drastically increase the likelihood of bacteria colonization.

When cold water flow is minimal or stopped altogether, as seen during the recent COVID-19 lockdowns that left buildings unoccupied for long periods of time, disinfectant levels evaporate, and temperatures gradually rise in the Legionella growth range, leading to bacteria colonization and uneven free chlorine distribution throughout the system.

Legionella bacteria causes Legionnaires’ disease, a type of pneumonia infecting the lung. People can get sick when they breathe in water droplets or accidentally swallow water containing Legionella.

The CDC says Legionella grows best in a building’s cold water distribution system within a specific temperature range of 77°F-113°F (25°C-45°C). Cold water temperature throughout the system should be maintained at or below 77°F (25°C) to the greatest extent possible to inhibit growth.

CircuitSolver® Union Cold Water Balancing valve to discourage Legionella growth.
CircuitSolver® Union Cold Water Balancing valve.

To discourage Legionella bacteria growth, cold water systems need to be recirculated. They must be balanced appropriately to establish continuous flow and keep line temperatures below 68°F (20°C), the point at which Legionella can begin to colonize.

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) aims to prevent the spread of healthcare-associated Legionella disease and scald injury from water systems in VHA buildings where patients, residents, or visitors stay overnight with the VHA Directive 1061(1).

The directive states, “The use of piping system insulation, automatic drain devices, and recirculation to limit the rate and duration of an increase in cold water temperature in combination with appropriate biocide levels can be effective at preventing Legionella growth.”

The Need for Dynamic Balancing

In order to achieve stability, system balancing must be dynamic – continually addressing the ever-changing conditions. Thermostatic balancing valves adjust dynamically, providing the best opportunity for sustainability and Legionella mitigation. Traditional manual balancing valves could provide a solution to cold water balancing, but their static operation inherently does not factor in nor adapt to the realities of everyday system operation & changes, which may render the balancing obsolete over time.

CircuitSolver® Union Cold Water (CSU-CW) Balancing valve will automatically keep cold water moving and maintain water quality, reducing stagnation and the growth of bacteria.

Utilizing our proprietary thermal actuator as the controlling element, the valve should be installed at the end of each branch or riser in a cold water recirculation system. It will modulate open or closed in response to the water temperature to maintain a specified temperature in the line.

The CSU-CW valve features a union with an optional check valve built into the body of the CircuitSolver® to reduce the number of system components installed and minimize potential leak points.

CSU-CW benefits:

  • Stainless Steel, which is highly resistant to scaling in high mineral content environments
  • High thrust actuator keeps orifice free of debris
  • Union with integrated O-ring for a leak-free seal
  • Keeps water temperature in branches/risers evenly distributed, minimizing heat gain
  • Never fully closes, some water always passing through
  • Provides even distribution of residual chlorine levels

These systems have become more prominent in VA hospitals because of the VHA 1061(1) directive; however, any commercial building such as schools, hotels, high-rise, and multi-family apartment buildings can benefit from implementing a cold-water recirculation system to protect the water lines from the risk of bacteria colonization during periods of low flow or non-use.

Watch how it works and see how the CircuitSolver® Union Cold Water thermostatic balancing valve automatically and continuously balances your cold-water recirculation system to discourage Legionella bacteria colonization and reduce stagnation.

Find out more here.

2022: CircuitSolver Year in Review

We had another great year, thanks to you!  We attended several industry expos, launched the new CircuitSolver® Cold Water Valve, and debuted several pieces of content that showcase how our valves work and engineers’ and contractors’ thoughts about them. Read our CircuitSolver Year in Review below!


We attended the AHR Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, in February and the ASPE Convention & Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana, in September.

CircuitSolver Year in Review - AHR EXPO

CircuitSolver Year in Review - ASPE EXPO


CircuitSolver Cold Water Valve

We launched the new CircuitSolver Union Cold Water balancing valve (CSU-CW). This valve automatically and continuously balances a cold water recirculation system to discourage Legionella bacteria colonization and to reduce stagnation.

By maintaining a set temperature in each branch/riser, the valve reduces stagnation and ensures “residual chlorine” is distributed throughout the system.

Find Out More here!


Tupelo Honey Café, in Denver, CO.
Tupelo Honey Café, in Denver, CO.
Project Manager, Eric McTee of ME Engineers details his experience with specifying CircuitSolver over the last few years.

Wyoming Life Resource Center in Lander, WY.
Wyoming Life Resource Center in Lander, WY.

Cody Cline, Vice President of GW Mechanical talks about the benefits he saw when installing the DTV (Drain Tempering Valve).

New CircuitSolver® Video

CircuitSolver balancing valves are temperature devices that solve a temperature problem. The valve continuously monitors the water temperature in the system and will automatically adjust flow to maintain a set temperature at the end of each branch or riser eliminating the need for manual balancing.

CircuitSolver® Union Cold Water Balancing Valve Video

The CircuitSolver Union Cold Water thermostatic balancing valve automatically and continuously balances a cold water recirculation system (DCWS) to discourage Legionella bacteria colonization. By maintaining a set temperature at the end of each branch or riser, the valve reduces stagnation and ensures “residual chlorine” is distributed throughout the system.

PHCP Pros Interview with Tom Ruggierio at ASPE Expo

Tom Ruggierio, Sales Director for our Commercial Plumbing Division, CircuitSolver, spoke with PHCP Pros’ editor at the ASPE expo about trends in the commercial plumbing industry and the effects CircuitSolver thermostatic balancing valves have made on the industry.

Webinar Alert!

Tom Ruggierio held a Webinar with PHCP Pros in April on Managing Flow Through Domestic Hot Water Systems While Performing Thermal Disinfection.

The webinar is available on-demand on the PHCP Pros website, and attendees can earn CEUs. Watch Now!


In Rep news, we now have 4 regional managers covering the country – Anthony Ceresa, Tim Hartung, Tim Grisi, and Tom Ruggierio.

This will allow us more time to work alongside our reps in our efforts to continue to support the engineers, contractors, and wholesalers in their respective regions.

New reps in:

Thank you and see you in 2023!