CircuitSolver Questions: Asked & Answered

CircuitSolver FAQs

We’ve compiled a list of some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the CircuitSolver product line to answer your questions.

1. My lines are prone to calcium buildup; will CircuitSolver clog?
No, it won’t. The CircuitSolver actuator’s modulation is powerful enough to force out any buildup in its path, developing over 40 lbs. (18kg) of thrust, which is more than enough to break loose any mineral buildup.

Note that mineral buildup is unlikely to occur in CircuitSolver since it mainly occurs where there is a heating surface or a very small leak.

2. Does CircuitSolver shut off tightly?
No. A small leakage (0.2 GPM) is built into CircuitSolver valves even when “closed” to avoid dead-heading the distribution branches.

In some applications where the water distribution piping is occasionally chemically or thermally sterilized, the leakage allows enough of this flow through the system to sterilize the line, regardless of temperature.

3. How much does CircuitSolver cost?
Compared to traditional manual balancing methods, CirucuitSolver reduces overall costs by 44% by saving money on components and labor. See our study here.

4. Where has CircuitSolver been installed? 
All over the place! Take a look at our installation map to see where CircuitSolvers are installed near you.

5. How do you select the correct set-point for CircuitSolver?
As described in the product sheets, the “XXX” in the model number is the desired return line temperature. For example, you want the return temperature to be 110°F, and the line size is 3/4”, you would select a CS-3/4-110.

For more FAQs on our CircuitSolver product line, visit our FAQ page.