Balancing From Coast to Coast With CircuitSolver®

For nearly a decade, CircuitSolver® has exceeded the standard for balancing domestic hot water systems. The thermostatic self-actuating balancing valve controls temperature and ensures hot water is delivered consistently to all fixtures without the need for manual balancing. The simple design combined with the unique technology of the valve has transformed the future of domestic hot water balancing.

To date, there are thousands of CircuitSolver® installed in buildings across the country with more being spec’d into projects every day. More and more contractors are realizing the convenience the valve creates by eliminating the need for time-consuming and expensive manual balancing labor and equipment.

ThermOmegaTech® interviewed a few contractors to hear about their experiences using CircuitSolver®. Below are the responses from three plumbing contractors: E.M. Duggan Inc, Pan-Pacific Mechanical, and Production Plus Plumbing Inc.

E.M. Duggan Inc. – Boston, Massachusetts

Overview of the project

Founded in 1891, E.M. Duggan Inc. is a full mechanical contractor specializing in commercial plumbing, HVAC and sprinkler systems in and around Boston, Massachusetts. Stephen Thompson, who has been working for E.M. Duggan for 30+ years, talks about the recently completed Avalon North Station high-rise apartments, right next to the home of the Boston Celtics, and the installation of CircuitSolver®.


This newly constructed 38-story luxury apartment building with 537 units used CircuitSolver® to balance its domestic hot water system. The system was broken into three zones of water — low, medium, and high — and required roughly 100 Circuit Solvers.


The contractor was pleased with how quickly the system was balanced. It usually takes two to three days to balance a system manually, but by using CircuitSolver®, this process was done instantly. This translated into huge savings in terms of time and effort that is usually devoted to the balancing process. There was no scaling or gumming up of the system either, which is sometimes an issue when using manual valves. They experienced no problems or call backs.

When asked how CircuitSolver® compares to other balancing valves, Thompson says, “It’s hard to compare to since there really isn’t anything else like it on the market.”

CircuitSolver® - USC Village projectPan-Pacific Mechanical – Los Angeles, California

Overview of the project

For 60+ years, Pan-Pacific Mechanical has been a family-owned mechanical contractor in California. Richard Parker talks about the USC Village project at University Park Campus Los Angeles, and his experience with installing CircuitSolver®.


This construction project consisted of five buildings — five stories, at 750,000 square feet a piece. Each building required 110 Circuit Solvers totaling 600 valves for the whole project.


Normally it takes a long time to balance a system. A project this size would take three or four plumbers per building at least two weeks to get the system perfectly balanced. With CircuitSolver®, the contractor was able to start up the system, and it was balanced automatically.

This saved them both time and money, plus made the whole process easier. They have had to make zero adjustments and haven’t had any clogging issues that can be a problem when using other valves. Since CircuitSolver® automatically adjusts to the changing water temperatures, the system doesn’t becomes unbalanced and hot water will be at the branch when you need it, so there won’t be any long wait times.

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